WDS 2023
Titles and Homologation
There is the possibility to finish the three following titles at the World Dog Show weekend 2023.
Swiss Show Champion
Swiss Junior Show Champion
Swiss Veteran Show Champion
To receive the title your dogs, need to get the two following CAC’s: one CAC from the Grand-Prix CACIB-Show (23.08.2023) and one CAC from the World Dog Show 2023 (24-27.08.2023). *
*The regulation with two CAC in only valid once for the World Dog Show 23-27.08.2023.
World Winner 2023
Once a year, at an international FCI–CACIB show determined by the FCI General Assembly, the title of “FCI World Winner” can be awarded. The titles of FCI World Winner can be awarded to all breeds, recognized by the FCI on a provisional or definitive basis. Breeds that are not yet recognized, neither definitively nor provisionally by the FCI, cannot be entered at FCI World and Section shows.
There is no “Reserve” for FCI World Winner.
The Junior and the Veteran FCI winner titles are awarded according to the FCI–CACIB distribution list.
The dog and the bitch proposed for the FCI–CACIB, the best junior dog and bitch, and the best veteran dog and bitch which have received the qualification “EXCELLENT 1” in the Junior and Veteran classes compete for the titles Best of Breed (BOB) and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS).
World Winner
The title “FCI World Winner” shall be awarded to the dog and the bitch that are proposed for the FCI–CACIB. The awarding of this title is irrespective of the entry for this particular breed. In case of breeds provisionally recognized by the FCI, the FCI World Winner titles will be awarded to best male and best female from the intermediate, open, working and champion class. These breeds are not eligible for FCI–CACIB.
World Junior Winner
The title “FCI World Junior Winner” shall be awarded to the best junior dog and bitch provided that they have received the qualification “Excellent 1”.
World Veteran Winner
The title “FCI World Veteran Winner” shall be awarded to the best veteran dog and bitch provided that they have received the qualification “Excellent 1”.
Swiss Show Champion
To be able to gain this title a dog needs 3 Ex1 CACs (since 1.1.2016), gained under 3 different judges, 2 of these will have to be gained at an International Championship Show. There is no time limit. Reserve CAC are not recognized. This title qualifies to enter in the Champion Class.
There is the possibility to finish the three following titles at the World Dog Show weekend 2023.
Swiss Show Champion
Swiss Junior Show Champion
Swiss Veteran Show Champion
For the title Swiss Show Champion the dog needs a CAC from the Grand Prix on Wednesday or a CAC from a Specialty and a CAC at the World Show (WDS CAC is a must). The same applies for the titles Swiss Junior Show Champion and Swiss Veteran Show Champion.
*The regulation with two CAC in only valid once for the World Dog Show 23-27.08.2023.
To be able to gain this title a dog needs 4 CACs gained under at least 3 different judges, 2 of these will have to be gained at an International Championship Show. There is a time limit of 11month and 1 day between the first and last CAC. This title qualifies to enter in the Champion Class.
The breed clubs of the following breeds ask some extra conditions:
Airedale Terrier, Australian Shepherd, Ausländische Hirtenhunde, Belgische Schäferhunde, Berger Blanc Suisse, Berger Picard, Berger des Pyrénées, Bordeaux-Dogge, Briard (Berger de Brie), Cão da Serra de Aires, Deutscher Boxer, Deutscher Jadgterrier, Deutsche Vorstehhunde, Deutsche Wachtelhunde, Deerhound, Dobermann, Kleine Münsterländer Vorstehhunde, Magyar Vizsla, Retriever, Riesenschnauzer, Schweizer Laufhunde, Schweizer Niederlaufhunde, Alpenländische und Westfälische Dachsbracken, Saluki, Sloughi, Setter, Pointer, Whippet.
Swiss Junior Beauty Champion
To gain this title a dog needs 3 Junior CACs or 2 Junior CACs and 1 CAC out of the Intermediate Class under at least 2 different judges. At least 1 CAC has to be awarded at an International Show.
Swiss Veteran Beauty Champion
To be able to gain the title a dog needs 3 veteran CAC from at least 2 different judges. At least 1 CAC from an International Show.
Title for FCI non recognized breeds
For the non FCI recognized breeds that will be shown on Sunday we award the titles “Geneva World Cup Champion 2023” “Geneva World Cup Junior Champion 2023” and “Geneva Wold Cup Veteran Champion 2023”.
For Best male and female from the junior class, Best Male and Bitch from Intermediate/Open/Champion classes and Best male and female from the veteran class.
Dogs that receive a CAC on Wednesday and on Sunday can have the Swiss Show Champion homologated at the SKG stand.
Online title application
True onlinedogshows you have the possibility to homologate your title directly online!