WDS 2023
Cropped/Docked dogs
It is forbidden to exhibit dogs with docked ears and/or tail. Docked dogs are not allowed to participate in shows. This applies regardless of whether the dogs have been illegally docked and imported or legally imported as emigration goods. The exhibition ban also applies to foreign owners who wish to exhibit their docked dogs in Switzerland. This is an official regulation of the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (www.blv.ch)
Specific Regulations
Specific Regulations from the canton of Geneva (Muzzle) Under the Dogs Act (RChiens) Regulations
Dogs required to wear a muzzle must wear a basket type muzzle.
Listed dogs are ONLY accepted with a muzzle in publics areas:
American staffordshire terrier; Cane corso; Dogue argentin; Fila brasileiro; Mastiff; Matin espagnol; Matin napolitain; Presa canario; Rottweiler; Tosa; Dogue de Bordeaux; Bullmastiff; Thaï Ridgeback Dog
For the listed dogs, the leash and the muzzle are obligatory as soon as they leave the detention enclosures or show rings and assimilated as “domiciles”, in addition to the place of residence of the holders during their stay in Geneva (chamber of hotel, mobile home, etc.).
Anyone who does not follow these guidelines will be banned from entering the exhibition.
* This is an official communication from the Cantonal Veterinarian which we reproduce accordingly. The regulation is not new, but already active for over 10 years as at the European Dog Show in 2013 and at the annual show in Geneva (Geneva Shows).
En vertu du règlement d’application de la loi sur les chiens (RChiens) :
Les chiens ayant l’obligation de porter une muselière doivent être munis d’une muselière de type dit à panier.
Chiens listés
American staffordshire terrier; Cane corso; Dogue argentin; Fila brasileiro; Mastiff; Matin espagnol; Matin napolitain; Presa canario; Rottweiler; Tosa; Dogue de Bordeaux; Bullmastiff; Thaï Ridgeback Dog
Pour les chiens listés, la laisse et la muselière sont obligatoires dès la sortie des enclos de détention ou des rings d’exposition et assimilés comme des « domiciles », en plus du lieu de résidence des détenteurs pendant leur séjour à Genève (chambre d’hôtel, mobilhome, etc.).
Toute personne qui ne respecte pas ces directives sera interdite d’entrée à l’exposition.
Choke Collars/Leashes
It is not allowed to use a pull or choke collar/leash at any show, inside or outside the ring.
At all shows, grooming of dogs beyond combing and brushing, using any aids, is prohibited. The same applies to holding a dog on a so-called gallow. Wrapping or braiding of hair is prohibited at the show. Each exhibitor will receive a confirmation of acceptance on which this regulation will be clearly emphasized in 3 languages (German, French, English).
The observance of these regulations will be controlled. In case of non-compliance with these provisions, the inspectors are authorized to draw the attention of the exhibitors to prohibit the manipulations already mentioned, or you will be instructed to leave the exhibition.
Admission to a dog show
Studbook/pedigree book
Only dogs that are registered in a FCI recognized studbook/pedigree book are admitted to dog shows.
Dogs of owners residing in Switzerland
Dogs whose owners are domiciled in Switzerland must be registered at the time of entry in an FCI-recognized studbook. However, the homologation of the title “Swiss Youth Beauty Champion”, “Swiss Beauty Champion” and “Swiss Veteran Beauty Champion” will only be given to dogs registered in the Swiss Stud Book (SHSB). In any case, the legal owner is considered to be the exhibitor.
The legal owner(s) of the dog must be listed on the entry form.
The dog need a valid rabies vaccination in the official pet passport.
Excluded dogs
Excluded from participation in shows are:
- Dogs that are not registered in a FCI-recognized studbook/ pedigree book or its register
- Dogs owned by persons who have been excluded from the SKG or against whom the SKG or the FCI has imposed a show ban
- Sick and suspected sick dogs, unilaterally or bilaterally cryptorchid or neutered males, and heavily pregnant or whelping bitches. In case of doubt, the decision on their admission is up to the veterinary inspection body designated and appointed by the AL.
- Dogs with docked ears and/or tail.
Showing in the ring
The show management is entitled to make changes in the program. Likewise, judges can be reassigned. The exhibitor is liable for all direct and indirect damages caused by his dog. The exhibitors are responsible for a timely presentation of the dogs in the ring.
Judging of dogs
The evaluation of the dogs by the judges is based on the breed standards deposited with the FCI. If there are no FCI recognized standards for individual breeds, these dogs will be judged and placed according to a national breed standard. However, the CACIB may not be awarded; the award of the CAC, however, is possible according to Art. 7. At all shows, males and females are judged separately in all classes according to AR Art. 9.2. When awarding the conformation score, the behavior of the dog must be given due consideration. A dog, which is not suitable because of its behavior (e.g. aggressiveness). Or for other reasons (e.g. lameness) cannot be judged or which should not have been admitted to the show at all, is to be dismissed from the ring as “disqualified”, stating the reason. A dog is considered “withdrawn” if it is taken out of the ring before the judging process begins. A dog is considered “absent” if it is not presented in the ring in time.
In each individually judged class, the four best dogs will be ranked, provided they have been rated “excellent” or “very good”. Individual dogs exhibited without competition will be placed.
Form values
- Excellent: Dogs that meet the criteria of the breed standard in an almost ideal manner, are presented in excellent condition and show behavior/character typical of the breed.
- Very good: Dogs of harmonious overall appearance, which show the breed-typical characteristics with regard to conformation and behavior/character to a high degree and are presented in very good condition. Show individual minor faults and/or are not presented in the desired condition.
- Good: Dogs that sufficiently meet the breed standard in the main characteristics, show several minor or single significant faults and/or are not presented in the desired condition.
- Sufficient:Dogs that no longer sufficiently meet the breed characteristics of the standard and/or whose physical and/or temperament condition is deficient.
- Disqualified: is awarded to a dog that does not conform to the type prescribed by the standard, exhibits clearly non-standard behavior or is aggressive, has a testicular defect, has a significant dental defect or jaw abnormality, has a color and/or hair defect, or clearly shows signs of albinism. This conformation must also be awarded to a dog that does not correspond to a single breed characteristic to such an extent that the dog’s health is impaired. This conformation must also be given to a dog which has a serious/exclusive fault according to the standard applicable to it.
- Cannot be judges: is given to dogs that cannot be awarded any of the above mentioned conformation values. This would be the case, for example, if the dog does not run, constantly jumps up at the exhibitor or constantly strives out of the ring, so that the gait and movement cannot be judged, or if the dog constantly avoids the show judge, so that, for example, a check of the bite, conformation, coat, tail or testicles is not possible, or if traces of tampering can be seen on the dog presented, which make an attempt at deception probable.
The following classes are allowed at international and national shows:
- Puppy class: for dogs from 3 to 6 months of age
- Youngest class: for dogs from 6 to 9 months old
- Youth class: for dogs from 9 to 18 months of age
- Intermediate class: for dogs from 15 to 24 months of age
- Open class: for dogs 15 months and older
- Working class: for dogs 15 months and older
- Champion class: for dogs 15 months and older
- Veteran class: for dogs 8 years and older
The Champion Class
In the Champion Class, dogs may be exhibited which have already obtained the title of “International Champion of Beauty” of the FCI or a National Champion of Beauty title recognized by the FCI or by a National Federation.
The title in question must have already been homologated when the entry form is sent to the Show Management. Copies of the supporting documents must be enclosed with the entry form
Pair class competition
A pair class consists of one male and one female dog, which must be owned by one exhibitor. The judging of the pair class is the same as the judging of the breeding groups. The ideal breeding pair is sought.
Breeding group competition
Breeding groups consist of at least three males and/or females of one breeder from his own breeding (same breed, same breeding name) regardless of whether the dogs are owned by him or not.
The CAC (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat) is a national grading. It is up to the national canine organisations to decide in which classes and to which dogs this certificate can be awarded. The CAC counts towards a national champion title as per Art.23.2 of the FCI Standing Orders and provided it is awarded by an FCI recognised judge.
Res. CAC
The award of the Res. CAC
The Res. CAC (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat Suisse de Beauté réserve) can be awarded to the “excellent 2” dogs/bitch of the Intermediate Class, Open Class, Utility Class and Champion Class. The Res. Youth CAC can be awarded to the “excellent 2” dog/bitch of the Youth Class. The Res. Veteran-CAC can be awarded to the “excellent 2” dog/bitch of the Veteran-Class.
Revaluation of the Res. CAC
The Res. CAC can be upgraded if the dog receiving the CAC has already homologated the Swiss Beauty Champion at that time. The same rules apply to the Youth and Veterans Res. CAC and the corresponding Youth and Veterans Beauty Champions. If the dog receiving the CAC has homologated the Swiss Show Champion, the Res. CAC cannot be upgraded.
How can the Res. CAC be upgraded
To upgrade a Res. CAC to a CAC, you can fill out the form and send it to the SKG Show Secretariat by e-mail to the following address: ausstellungen@skg.ch.
Application form for upgrading a Res. CAC to a CAC: https://www.skg.ch/res-cac (PDF Antragsformular)
The Show Secretariat will verify the upgrade.
If the Res. CAC can be upgraded, the signed form will be returned to you.
If the Res. CAC cannot be upgraded, you will receive an e-mail with the corresponding reason.
For which titles can I the upgraded Res. CAC?
The upgraded Res. CAC may be used for the homologation of the Swiss Beauty Champion, the Swiss Youth Beauty Champion as well as the Swiss Veteran Beauty Champion.
The only dogs which can be taken into consideration for the FCI–CACIB are those which have been awarded “Excellent 1” in intermediate, open, working and champion class. An FCI– CACIB can only be awarded if the dog in question has been assessed as being of superior quality. The FCI–CACIB is not automatically and compulsorily linked to the “Excellent 1”
The Reserve FCI–CACIB is awarded to the second best dog which was given the qualification “Excellent” from the above mentioned classes. The dog placed second in the class where the FCI–CACIB winner comes from can compete for the Reserve FCI–CACIB, if awarded excellent. It is not compulsory to award the FCI–Reserve-CACIB.
The judge awards FCI–CACIB and FCI–Reserve-CACIB according to the quality of the dogs without checking whether they meet the conditions regarding age and/or registration with a studbook recognized by the FCI.